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Portrait Of Eugenia Primavesi Large Framed Print
Framed With Mat •
21x36 inches
"Portrait Of Eugenia Primavesi" By Gustav Klimt is his very famous painting. Gustav Klimt (1862 - 1918) was an Austrian decorative painter and creator of erotic art that greatly added to Art Nouveau and modernism as a whole . Klimt was most influence by Japanese art and methods. His work was constantly criticized for being too sensual and erotic and his symbolism too deviant |
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Portrait Of Eugenia Primavesi Large Framed Print
Framed With Mat •
21x36 inches
"Portrait Of Eugenia Primavesi" By Gustav Klimt is his very famous painting. Gustav Klimt (1862 - 1918) was an Austrian decorative painter and creator of erotic art that greatly added to Art Nouveau and modernism as a whole . Klimt was most influence by Japanese art and methods. His work was constantly criticized for being too sensual and erotic and his symbolism too deviant
Gustav Klimt (1862 - 1918) was an Austrian decorative painter and creator of erotic art that greatly added to Art Nouveau and modernism as a wholeKlimt was most influence by Japanese art and methods. His work was constantly criticized for being too sensual and erotic and his symbolism too deviantPortrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I by Klimt is one the most expensive paintings ever sold.