Papanasam is a 2015 Indian Tamil-language crime thriller film directed by Jeethu Joseph, a remake of his 2013 Malayalam film Drishyam, which starred Mohanlal. Suyambulingam, a school drop-out but an intelligent man, acquires knowledge by watching movies. When a dark incident seems to ruin his family, he uses all his wits to protect them.
About the Life Size Posters
Papanasam - Kamal Haasan - Tamil Movie Poster by Tallenge. Bigger the better. Our life size posters are produced on acid-free 220 GSM papers using archival inks to guarantee that they last a lifetime without fading or loss of color. All posters include a sufficent white border around the image to allow for future framing, if desired. Product will be shipped in 2-3 days