About Mangbetu Children Irma Stern Portrait Painting
The outbreak of the Second World War prevented Stern from returning to Europe. By March 1942, she was planning to visit the Congo to seek out the Watussi and Mangbetu people. The young girls depicted in Mangbetu Children bear the unmistakeable characteristics of the Mangbetu people: their almond-shaped eyes, famously elongated heads, and headdresses identifying them as members of the ruling-class. Stern had admired the artistic taste and talents of the Mangbetu people for many years, crediting them with ‘exciting and stimulating the art world of Europe’.
About the Canvas Prints
Mangbetu Children - Irma Stern - Portrait Painting by Irma Stern. Bring your artwork to life with the texture and depth of a stretched canvas print. Your image gets printed onto our premium processed canvases and then stretched on a white maple wooden frame (gallery wrap) or framed inside black maple (framed canvas). Your canvas print will be shipped within 4 days in "ready to frame" condition for normal rolled and "ready to hang" condition for frames and wraps with pre-attached hanging wire and/or mounting points.