The Master is a 2012 American drama film written, directed, and co-produced by Paul Thomas Anderson and starring Joaquin Phoenix, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and Amy Adams. It tells the story of Freddie Quell , a World War II veteran struggling to adjust to a post-war society, who meets Lancaster Dodd, a leader of a religious movement known as "The Cause". Dodd sees something in Quell and accepts him into the movement. Freddie takes a liking to "The Cause" and begins traveling with Dodd along the East Coast to spread the teachings.
About the Canvas Prints
Paul Thomas Anderson Movie-The Master by Joe Jerry. Bring your artwork to life with the texture and depth of a stretched canvas print. Your image gets printed onto our premium processed canvases and then stretched on a white maple wooden frame (gallery wrap) or framed inside black maple (framed canvas). Your canvas print will be shipped within 4 days in "ready to frame" condition for normal rolled and "ready to hang" condition for frames and wraps with pre-attached hanging wire and/or mounting points.