"Untitled, 1988 (Aqua Series)" is a famous painting of Ismail Gulgee. The Pakistani master adapted action painting’s energy and gesture to a Pakistani context, using virtuoso brushwork to produce large, free-flowing calligraphic abstractions. His paintings were bright and full of color, but the paint was put on with great sensitivity, and paintings vibrate with intense feeling. Areas sing with luminous, thin color; thick blobs of paint pulsate with fiberglass tears, the brush swirls strong and free.
About the Art Prints
Untitled, 1988 (Aqua Series) by Ismail Gulgee. Our art prints are produced on acid-free 220 GSM papers using archival inks and lamination to guarantee that they last a lifetime without fading or loss of color. All prints include a sufficent white border around the image to allow for future framing, if desired. Product will be shipped in 2 days