"Untitled (Falling Figure), 1992", a masterpiece by the Indian master Tyeb Mehta which exhibits his masterful composition and emblematic rendition of horror and trauma with his characteristic economy of line and color. The Falling Figure, a subject Tyeb Mehta often revisited, was born out of a traumatic childhood memory when the artist witnessed the violent death of a man during the bloody Partition riots of 1947. In the present painting Mehta has created a masterpiece that bristles with personal and political poignancy. The composition is as elegant as it is haunting, as Mehta exquisitely synthesizes complex psychological and metaphysical notions of suffering, violence and trauma into the single distilled form of his protagonist plummeting through the darkness.
About the Art Prints
Untitled (Falling Figure), 1992 by Tyeb Mehta. Our art prints are produced on acid-free 220 GSM papers using archival inks and lamination to guarantee that they last a lifetime without fading or loss of color. All prints include a sufficent white border around the image to allow for future framing, if desired. Product will be shipped in 2 days