"Untitled (Kali), 1998", a famous and the last painting in the series Kali by the Indian master Tyeb Mehta, is executed in a limited palette of olive green and brown. Here, the deity, like the artist's other figures, is born from the unfinished, intersecting lines and precisely defined fields of contrasting colour. For Mehta, Kali was both a harbinger of destruction, and a portent of the end of violence in her ability to contain and destroy ignorance and malevolence. the present lot equally illuminates the creative and destructive powers, the forgiveness and the vengeance, that her figure represents. While the Kali image is powerful and virulent, the ample maternal stomach at the same time has a nurturing function. Kali simultaneously creates as she destroys.
About the Art Prints
Untitled (Kali), 1998 by Tyeb Mehta. Our art prints are produced on acid-free 220 GSM papers using archival inks and lamination to guarantee that they last a lifetime without fading or loss of color. All prints include a sufficent white border around the image to allow for future framing, if desired. Product will be shipped in 2 days